7 Effective Ways to Make a Magento 2 Website Faster in 2024

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the speed of your website can make or break your online success. For businesses using Magento 2, ensuring a fast, responsive site is crucial to keep visitors engaged and drive sales. Whether you’re a seasoned eCommerce pro or just getting started, working with a Magento development agency can provide the expertise needed to enhance your site’s performance. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective ways to make your Magento 2 website faster in 2024, helping you stay ahead of the competition and deliver a seamless shopping experience for your customers. From optimizing images and leveraging caching to utilizing the latest updates and extensions, these tips will help you maximize your site’s speed and efficiency. Let’s dive in and discover how you can supercharge your Magento 2 website!


Why is Magento slow?


Magento is a powerful and feature-rich eCommerce platform, but sometimes it can feel like it’s running at a snail’s pace. Understanding why Magento might be slow is the first step in addressing these issues and ensuring a smooth shopping experience for your customers. Here are some common reasons why Magento can be slow:

Hosting Environment

The server hosting your Magento store plays a significant role in its speed. If you’re using shared hosting or a server that lacks the necessary resources, your website will struggle to perform well. Investing in a robust hosting solution, like a dedicated server or cloud hosting, can make a big difference.


Unoptimized Images

High-quality images are essential for an attractive online store, but large, unoptimized images can drastically slow down your site. By compressing images without losing quality, you can significantly improve load times.


Excessive Extensions and Plugins

While extensions and plugins can add valuable functionality to your Magento store, having too many can bloat your site and slow it down. It’s important to regularly review and remove any unnecessary extensions.


Lack of Caching

Caching can drastically speed up your website by storing copies of pages or data so that it doesn’t have to be generated from scratch each time a user visits. Enabling full-page caching in Magento can improve performance significantly.


Outdated Magento Version

Running an outdated version of Magento can lead to performance issues. Newer versions often include performance enhancements and bug fixes. Keeping your Magento installation up-to-date ensures you benefit from the latest improvements.


Poorly Optimized Code

Customizations and poorly optimized code can cause your Magento site to lag. Working with a professional Magento development agency can help ensure your code is clean and efficient.


Database Performance

A poorly optimized database can also slow down your Magento store. Regularly cleaning and optimizing your database can help maintain its performance. This includes removing unused data and optimizing database queries.


Third-Party Services and Integrations

Third-party services and integrations, like payment gateways or shipping services, can sometimes slow down your site. Ensuring these integrations are optimized and working efficiently is crucial for maintaining good performance.


Heavy JavaScript and CSS Files

Large JavaScript and CSS files can increase page load times. Minifying and combining these files can help reduce their size and improve your site’s speed.


Inefficient Configuration Settings

Sometimes, default settings in Magento might not be optimized for performance. Tweaking configuration settings, such as enabling flat catalogs for products and categories, can help speed up your site.


7 Ways to Speed Up Magento Website


A fast-loading Magento website is crucial for providing an excellent user experience and driving sales. If your site is slow, customers may get frustrated and leave, costing you potential revenue. Here are seven effective ways to speed up your Magento website, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently.


1. Optimize Your Hosting Environment

Optimizing your hosting environment is a key step to speeding up your Magento website. Here’s how:

– Choose the Right Hosting Provider
  • Specialized Magento Hosting: Pick a provider that offers Magento-optimized servers.
  • Good Support: Ensure they have a reputation for reliable customer support.
– Upgrade to VPS or Dedicated Server
  • Avoid Shared Hosting: Shared hosting can be slow due to limited resources.
  • VPS: Offers dedicated resources at a lower cost than a full server.
  • Dedicated Server: Best for high-traffic sites, providing full control and maximum speed.
– Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Faster Load Times: CDNs store and deliver content from servers closest to your users, reducing latency.
  • Reduced Server Load: Offloads static content delivery, freeing up your main server for other tasks.
– Optimize Server Settings
  • PHP and Database Tuning: Ensure settings are optimized for Magento’s needs.
  • GZIP Compression: Reduces file sizes for faster loading.
  • HTTP/2: Allows multiple requests over a single connection, improving speed.

2. Enable Full-Page Caching

Enabling full-page caching is a highly effective way to speed up your Magento website. Here’s how it works and why it’s important:

– What is Full-Page Caching?

Full-page caching stores a complete version of a webpage in cache memory. When a user visits your site, instead of generating the page from scratch, Magento serves the cached version, dramatically reducing load times.

– Benefits of Full-Page Caching
  • Faster Load Times: By delivering pre-generated pages, your site loads much quicker, enhancing the user experience.
  • Reduced Server Load: Caching minimizes the workload on your server, as it doesn’t have to process complex database queries and PHP scripts repeatedly.
  • Improved Scalability: Handling more visitors becomes easier because your server is less stressed, allowing your site to manage higher traffic volumes efficiently.
– How to Enable Full-Page Caching
  • Magento Enterprise Edition: Full-page caching is built-in. Ensure it’s enabled in your admin panel.
  • Magento Community Edition: You can use third-party caching solutions like Varnish to achieve similar benefits.

3. Optimize Images

Optimizing images is a simple yet powerful way to speed up your Magento website. Large, unoptimized images can slow down your site, causing frustration for your visitors. Here’s how you can optimize images effectively:

– Why Optimize Images?
  • Faster Load Times: Smaller, optimized images load more quickly, improving overall site speed.
  • Better User Experience: Fast-loading images create a smoother and more enjoyable experience for your users.
  • Improved SEO: Search engines favor faster websites, which can boost your search engine rankings.
– How to Optimize Images
  • Compress Images: Use tools like TinyPNG or JPEGmini to reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing quality. This significantly decreases load times.
  • Choose the Right Format: Use JPEG for photos and PNG for images with transparent backgrounds or fewer colors. This ensures you’re using the most efficient format for each image.
  • Implement Lazy Loading: Lazy loading delays the loading of images until they are about to enter the user’s viewport. This reduces initial page load time and improves performance, especially on pages with many images.
  • Use Responsive Images: Serve appropriately sized images for different devices. This means smaller images for mobile devices and larger images for desktops, ensuring fast load times across all devices.

4. Minify and Combine CSS and JavaScript Files

Minifying and combining your CSS and JavaScript files is a powerful method to speed up your Magento website. These steps reduce file sizes and the number of requests your site needs to make, resulting in faster load times and a better user experience.

– Why Minify and Combine?
  • Faster Load Times: Smaller, combined files load more quickly, reducing the time it takes for your website to appear on a user’s screen.
  • Fewer HTTP Requests: Combining multiple files into one reduces the number of requests the browser has to make, speeding up the loading process.
  • Improved Performance: A quicker site enhances user satisfaction and can lead to higher conversion rates.


– How to Minify and Combine CSS and JavaScript
  • Minify Files: Minifying removes unnecessary characters like spaces, comments, and line breaks from your code. This makes the files smaller and faster to download. Tools like UglifyJS for JavaScript and CSSNano for CSS can help with this.
  • Combine Files: Merge multiple CSS or JavaScript files into a single file. This reduces the number of HTTP requests the browser needs to make. Magento allows you to do this easily:
  1. Go to the admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer.
  3. Set ‘Merge CSS Files’ and ‘Merge JavaScript Files’ to ‘Yes.’
  • Use Magento’s Built-In Tools: Magento has built-in settings to help with minifying and combining files. Enable these settings in the Magento admin panel to automatically optimize your CSS and JavaScript files.
– Benefits
  • Enhanced User Experience: Faster load times keep users engaged and reduce bounce rates.
  • SEO Boost: Search engines prefer faster websites, which can improve your search engine rankings.
  • Resource Efficiency: Reducing file sizes and the number of requests helps your server handle more traffic efficiently.

5. Utilize Magento’s Built-In Performance Features

Magento comes with several built-in performance features designed to help your website run faster and more efficiently. Leveraging these features can significantly improve your site’s speed and overall performance without requiring extensive technical knowledge. Here’s how you can take advantage of these tools:

– Full-Page Caching
  • What It Does: Full-page caching stores a complete version of your web pages, so they load much faster when visited.
  • How to Enable: In Magento 2, this feature is enabled by default in the Enterprise Edition. For the Community Edition, you can use extensions like Varnish Cache to achieve similar benefits.
– Flat Catalogs
  • What It Does: Flat catalogs merge product and category data into a single table, simplifying and speeding up database queries.
  • How to Enable:
    1. Go to the admin panel.
    2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Storefront.
    3. Set ‘Use Flat Catalog Category’ and ‘Use Flat Catalog Product’ to ‘Yes.’
– Redis or Memcached
  • What It Does: Redis and Memcached are caching solutions that store frequently accessed data in memory, reducing database load and speeding up your site.
  • How to Enable: Configure Redis or Memcached in your Magento settings under Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Cache Management.
– Built-In Image Optimization
  • What It Does: Magento can automatically compress and optimize images to reduce their size without sacrificing quality.
  • How to Enable: Ensure image compression settings are activated in the admin panel, or use built-in tools and extensions to manage image optimization.
– Code Compilation
  • What It Does: Code compilation compiles frequently used code paths into a single, optimized file, reducing the time it takes for Magento to execute PHP code.
  • How to Enable: Navigate to System > Tools > Compilation in the admin panel and click ‘Run Compilation Process.’
– Magento Updates
  • What It Does: Regular updates often include performance improvements and bug fixes.
  • How to Enable: Keep your Magento installation up-to-date by regularly checking for and installing updates from the admin panel.

6. Clean and Optimize Your Database

Cleaning and optimizing your database is essential for improving the speed and performance of your Magento website. A cluttered database can slow down queries and impact overall site responsiveness. Here’s how you can effectively clean and optimize your database:

– Why Clean and Optimize?
  • Improved Performance: A clean database performs faster, reducing load times and improving user experience.
  • Reduced Server Load: Optimizing your database reduces the workload on your server, allowing it to handle more traffic efficiently.
  • Prevent Data Bloat: Removing unnecessary data frees up storage space and ensures your database remains lean and responsive.
– How to Clean and Optimize Your Database
  • Regular Backup: Before making any changes, always back up your database to avoid data loss.
  • Remove Unused Data: Clean up log tables regularly, especially access logs and debug logs, which can grow large over time. Archive or delete old orders that are no longer needed.
  • Optimize Database Tables:
  1. Use tools like phpMyAdmin or Magento’s built-in optimization features to analyze and optimize database tables.
  2. Optimize tables to reduce fragmentation and improve query performance.


  • Database Maintenance:
  1. Schedule regular maintenance tasks to clean and optimize your database automatically.
  2. Monitor database performance metrics to identify any issues that may affect site speed.
  3. Indexing: Ensure Magento’s indexing is up-to-date to optimize query performance. You can reindex your data under System > Index Management in the Magento admin panel.

– Benefits
  • Faster Query Execution: Optimized database tables improve the speed at which data is retrieved from the database.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Faster load times and smoother browsing encourage user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Improved Scalability: A well-maintained database can handle increased traffic and transactions more effectively.

7. Limit Extensions and Modules

Limiting the number of extensions and modules on your Magento website is crucial for improving its speed and performance. While extensions add functionality, too many can slow down your site and increase load times. Here’s how you can manage extensions effectively:

– Why Limit Extensions?
  • Reduced Bloat: Each extension adds additional code and functionality, which can increase the complexity and slow down your website.
  • Improved Stability: Limiting extensions reduces the risk of conflicts between different modules, leading to a more stable website.
  • Faster Load Times: Fewer extensions mean fewer scripts to load, resulting in faster page load times and improved user experience.
– How to Manage Extensions
  • Audit Installed Extensions:
  1. Review all installed extensions and identify those that are essential for your website’s functionality.
  2. Remove or disable any extensions that are outdated, redundant, or no longer necessary.


  • Choose Quality Extensions:
  1. Select extensions from reputable developers known for quality coding practices and performance optimization.
  2. Read reviews and check compatibility with your Magento version before installing new extensions.


  • Monitor Performance Impact:
  1. Regularly monitor your website’s performance metrics to assess the impact of installed extensions on speed and load times.
  2. Use profiling tools to identify extensions that may be causing performance bottlenecks.


  • Optimize Extension Usage:
  1. Configure extensions to minimize their impact on site performance.
  2. Use extension settings to enable features only when needed, rather than keeping everything active all the time.

– Benefits
  • Faster Page Load Times: Removing unnecessary extensions reduces the number of scripts and requests, speeding up page rendering.
  • Enhanced User Experience: A faster website improves user satisfaction and encourages higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Easier Maintenance: Managing fewer extensions simplifies maintenance tasks and reduces the risk of compatibility issues during updates.



In conclusion, optimizing your Magento 2 website for speed in 2024 is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience and driving business growth. By implementing strategies like optimizing hosting environments, enabling full-page caching, and minimizing extensions, you can significantly improve load times and site performance. Additionally, optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging Magento’s built-in performance features further enhance speed and efficiency.

To achieve these optimizations effectively, consider consulting with a Magento web developer. Their expertise can help you navigate technical challenges and implement solutions tailored to your site’s specific needs. By prioritizing speed and performance, you not only enhance user satisfaction but also position your Magento website for success in a competitive online landscape. Ready to boost your site’s performance? Hire a Magento web developer today to optimize your site and maximize its potential.

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Sanju July 15, 2024 0 Comments

Advanced Configuration For Magento 2 Price Hiding

In the ever-evolving realm of e-commerce, mastering advanced configurations is the key to unlocking the full potential of your online store. One such advanced feature that holds immense strategic value is the ability to selectively hide product prices in Magento 2. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of advanced price hiding configurations, focusing on the specialized tools provided by FMEextensions. Discover how this extension can elevate your Magento 2 store, offering unparalleled flexibility and customization in your approach to price visibility.


Understanding the Dynamics of Price Hiding:


Investigates how Magento 2 uses the strategic practice of hiding product prices within the context of intricate details and underlying principles. This section aims to provide readers with a comprehensive comprehension of why and how price hiding functions, catering to various business models and market demands. It explores the nuanced dynamics behind selectively concealing prices, emphasizing the significance of this feature for businesses engaged in B2B transactions, offering exclusive products, or implementing dynamic pricing strategies. By unpacking these dynamics, merchants can make informed decisions and effectively leverage Magento 2’s advanced capabilities to enhance their online stores.


Leveraging Built-In Magento Features:


Learn how Magento 2 empowers merchants to selectively hide product prices by utilizing its inherent capabilities. This section guides readers through the native tools and functionalities provided by Magento itself, showcasing how these built-in features can be harnessed for advanced price hiding configurations. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing elements such as customer group management and product attribute settings. By delving into the platform’s native capabilities, merchants can discover powerful tools that form the foundation for an effective and customized price hiding strategy, tailored to their specific business needs within the Magento ecosystem.


Optimizing with FMEextensions:


Using the specialized tools provided by FMEextensions, this study examines the potential for improving and extending the Hide Price Magento 2 Extension capabilities. This section delves into how the FMEextensions specifically designed for Magento 2 offer additional functionalities, seamless integration, and advanced customization options. By adopting these extensions, merchants can optimize their price hiding strategy, elevating it to new levels of sophistication and flexibility. The focus is on maximizing the benefits of third-party solutions to achieve a tailored and high-performance online store that aligns seamlessly with the unique business goals and customer expectations of the merchant.


Creating a Tailored Customer Experience:


In addition to simply hiding prices, Magento 2 offers numerous customization options to create a customized and seamless experience for customers. This section explores how businesses can use CSS styling to maintain a visually appealing interface, ensuring a positive and cohesive brand presentation even when prices are hidden. Additionally, it covers techniques to replace the standard “Add to Cart” button with custom elements, providing merchants with the tools to reinforce their brand identity and deliver an engaging and personalized shopping experience for their customers.


Implementing Conditional Logic:


This involves fine-tuning the price hiding strategy within Magento 2 by using rules and conditions. This section delves into the concept of conditional logic, where specific criteria, such as customer behavior, product attributes, or dynamic factors, are utilized to determine when and how prices should be hidden. By implementing conditional logic, businesses can tailor the visibility of prices based on various contextual factors, allowing for a more precise and strategic approach. The section may include practical examples, code snippets, and step-by-step guidance to empower merchants in configuring and customizing the conditions that govern price visibility in their online stores.


Testing and Quality Assurance:


is a crucial phase in the advanced configuration process for price hiding within Magento 2. This section emphasizes the importance of conducting thorough testing to ensure a seamless and error-free user experience across various devices, browsers, and customer scenarios.

The testing process involves:

  1. Cross-Browser and Device Compatibility: Checking the functionality on different web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and various devices (desktops, tablets, and mobile devices) to ensure consistent performance.
  2. User Scenarios and Interactions: Simulating different user scenarios, such as new visitors, registered users, and various customer groups, to validate that the hidden price feature works seamlessly for all customer segments.
  3. Responsive Design and Mobile-Friendliness: Verifying the responsiveness of the online store to guarantee an optimal viewing experience across different screen sizes, particularly focusing on mobile devices.
  4. Performance under Load: Assessing how the hidden price feature performs under different traffic conditions to ensure stability and responsiveness during peak periods.
  5. Transaction Testing: Testing the complete purchasing process, from product selection to checkout, to verify that the hidden price feature does not disrupt the overall transaction flow.
  6. Security and Data Integrity: Conducting security checks to ensure that hidden prices do not compromise sensitive customer data and verifying the integrity of product pricing information.
  7. Integration with Other Extensions: Ensuring compatibility with other Magento extensions that may be in use, as well as confirming that the price hiding feature doesn’t conflict with other functionalities.
  8. Accessibility Testing: Verifying that the hidden price feature complies with accessibility standards, ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and interact with the online store effectively.

This section serves as a guide for merchants to establish a comprehensive testing protocol, ensuring that the advanced configurations implemented for price hiding not only meet functional requirements but also provide a seamless and reliable user experience in real-world scenarios.


Documentation and User Communication:


Transparent communication with your customers is key. Learn how to update store policies and documentation to inform customers about the reasons for hidden prices and provide clear instructions on how they can obtain pricing information. Effective communication builds trust and minimizes potential friction in the purchasing process.


Staying Updated with Magento Releases:


Magento evolves over time with updates and new releases. Stay ahead by keeping your Magento installation up-to-date to benefit from the latest features, security patches, and improvements. This final section emphasizes the importance of ongoing maintenance and adaptation to ensure a future-proof price hiding strategy.



Mastering advanced configurations for price hiding in Magento 2 is a journey that combines the platform’s inherent capabilities with strategic third-party extensions and meticulous customization. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, businesses can not only effectively hide prices for specific products but also create a tailored and user-friendly experience that aligns seamlessly with their unique business models and customer expectations. Stay ahead of the curve, adapt to industry trends, and unlock the full potential of Magento 2 for a dynamic and successful e-commerce venture.

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Sanju December 6, 2023 0 Comments

In Magento 2, How Can I Display The Top-Selling Products?

In the world of e-commerce, showcasing your top-selling products is crucial for increasing sales and driving customer engagement. Fortunately, Magento 2, a popular e-commerce platform, offers robust features and functionalities to help you highlight your best-performing products. In this blog post, we will explore various methods and techniques to effectively display top-selling products in Magento 2, ensuring an optimized user experience and improved conversion rates.


Utilizing The Default Magento Reports:

To Utilize The Default Magento Reports, Follow These Steps:

1. Access the Sales Reports Section:

Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to the Reports tab. Under the Reports tab, you will find the Sales section, which contains various reports related to sales and product performance.


2. Analyze Sales Data:

Within the Sales Reports section, you will find different reports such as Sales Overview, Orders, Tax, Invoiced, Shipping, etc. These reports provide valuable information about your sales, order details, and product performance.

  • Sales Overview: This report gives you a high-level summary of your sales, including revenue, average order value, and the number of orders. It provides an overview of your store’s performance.
  • Orders Report: The Orders report provides detailed information about individual orders, such as order numbers, customer names, order dates, and the products purchased. You can sort and filter this report to identify the top-selling products based on the number of orders or revenue generated.
  • Product Reports: Magento 2 also offers specific reports focused on product performance. The Product Views, Bestsellers, and Low-stock reports are particularly useful for identifying the most popular and best-selling products.


3. Customize Product Display:

Once you have identified your top-selling products through the reports, you can customize their display on your website. Magento 2 provides various options to showcase these products effectively:

  • Widgets: Use the built-in widgets feature to display your top-selling products on different pages of your website, such as the homepage, category pages, or product detail pages. Widgets allow you to choose the criteria for selecting the products, such as best-sellers, most viewed, or highest-rated.
  • Product Listing Pages: Customize your product listing pages to prominently feature your top-selling products. You can sort the product list based on sales volume or popularity, ensuring that the best-sellers are displayed at the top.

By utilizing the default Magento reports and customizing the product display, you can effectively showcase your top-selling products and attract the attention of your customers. Regularly monitoring these reports and updating your product displays based on the sales data will help you optimize your e-commerce store and drive higher conversions.


Leveraging Magento 2 Extensions:

Magento 2 is known for its extensive marketplace, which offers a wide range of extensions designed to enhance the functionality and features of your online store. When it comes to displaying top-selling products, leveraging Magento 2 extensions can provide you with additional tools and capabilities to effectively showcase your best-performing products and boost sales. These extensions offer various functionalities that go beyond the default features of Magento 2. Here are some key points to understand about leveraging Magento 2 extensions:

1. Accessing the Magento Marketplace:

Magento 2 has a dedicated marketplace where you can browse and explore numerous extensions. Access the Magento Marketplace from your admin panel or directly visit the Magento Marketplace website to search for extensions relevant to displaying top-selling products.


2. Popular Extension Categories:

There are several extension categories that can assist you in showcasing your top-selling products effectively. Some popular categories include:

  • Featured Products: These extensions allow you to highlight your best-selling products on the homepage, category pages, or other prominent areas of your website. They often come with customizable settings to control how these products are displayed and styled.
  • Product Labels or Badges: These extensions enable you to add visually appealing labels or badges to your top-selling products. Labels like “Best Seller,” “Hot Item,” or “Trending” can catch customers’ attention and create a sense of urgency or trust, thereby increasing the likelihood of purchase.
  • Popular or Best-Selling Products: Extensions in this category create dedicated sections or blocks on your website to showcase products based on their popularity, sales volume, or customer ratings. These sections often provide options for customization, such as the number of products to display, sorting criteria, and layout design.


3. Installation and Configuration:

Once you have selected a desired extension from the Magento Marketplace, follow the installation instructions provided by the extension developer. This typically involves downloading the extension package, uploading it to your Magento 2 installation, and running the necessary commands. After installation, configure the extension settings according to your preferences and business requirements. This may include selecting which products to display, defining display rules, and adjusting the visual presentation.


4. Integration with Existing Store:

Magento 2 extensions are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing Magento store. This ensures that the extension’s functionalities blend smoothly with your store’s overall design and user experience. However, it’s recommended to thoroughly test the extension after installation to ensure proper compatibility and functionality.


5. Regular Updates and Support:

Magento 2 extensions often receive updates from their developers to address bug fixes, add new features, or maintain compatibility with the latest version of Magento. Stay updated with these releases and install updates as needed. Additionally, most extension developers provide support services, such as documentation, user guides, and customer support, to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter.

By leveraging Magento 2 extensions, you can enhance your ability to display top-selling products effectively. These extensions offer additional features, customization options, and eye-catching visuals to attract customers’ attention and drive sales. However, it’s important to choose reputable extensions from trusted developers and ensure compatibility with your Magento 2 version for optimal performance and stability.


Implementing Sorting And Filtering Options:

In Magento 2, implementing sorting and filtering options is a powerful technique to help customers refine their product searches and easily find the top-selling products they are interested in. By offering intuitive sorting and filtering functionalities, you can enhance the user experience and improve the discoverability of your best-selling products. Here are the key points to understand when implementing sorting and filtering options in Magento 2:

1. Sorting Options:

Magento 2 provides built-in sorting options that allow customers to arrange product lists based on various criteria. By implementing sorting options, you enable customers to prioritize products based on their preferences. Some commonly used sorting options include:

  • Best Sellers: Sort products based on sales volume, with the best-selling products displayed first. This allows customers to quickly identify the most popular items.
  • Popularity: Sort products based on popularity metrics, such as views, likes, or customer ratings. This helps customers discover products that have garnered positive attention from other shoppers.
  • Price: Sort products based on price, either from low to high or vice versa. This allows customers to easily find products within their desired price range.
  • Newness: Sort products based on the date they were added to the store. This helps customers find the latest releases or additions to your product catalog.
  • Alphabetical: Sort products alphabetically by name or any other relevant attribute. This can be useful for customers who prefer a specific order or are looking for products by name.


2. Filtering Options:

Filtering options enable customers to narrow down their product searches based on specific attributes or characteristics. By implementing filtering options, you allow customers to refine their search results and focus on the top-selling products that meet their requirements. Common filtering options include:

  • Price Range: Allow customers to set a price range to filter products within their budget.
  • Categories: Enable customers to filter products by specific categories or subcategories, helping them find products within their desired product group.
  • Attributes: If you have specific attributes associated with your products (e.g., color, size, brand), customers can use these attributes as filters to narrow down their search results.
  • Ratings and Reviews: Implement filters based on customer ratings or reviews to help customers find highly-rated products.
  • Availability: Allow customers to filter products based on their availability, such as in-stock or pre-order items.


3. User Interface and Experience:

When implementing sorting and filtering options, it’s important to provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface. Ensure that the sorting and filtering elements are clearly visible and easily accessible to customers. Consider placing them prominently on product listing pages or using collapsible filter panels for convenience. Additionally, provide clear labels and tooltips to help customers understand the available options and how to use them effectively.


4. Mobile Responsiveness:

With the increasing use of mobile devices for online shopping, it’s crucial to ensure that your sorting and filtering options are responsive and optimized for mobile users. Test the usability and performance of these options on various mobile devices to provide a seamless experience across all platforms.

By implementing sorting and filtering options in Magento 2, you empower customers to refine their product searches and easily discover your top-selling products. This not only enhances the user experience but also increases the likelihood of conversions by presenting customers with the most relevant products based on their preferences and requirements. Regularly analyze customer behavior and adjust your sorting and filtering options accordingly to optimize the product discovery process.


Creating Custom Product Widgets:

In Magento 2, creating custom product widgets is a powerful way to showcase your top-selling products in a visually appealing and strategically placed manner. Widgets are versatile tools that allow you to display specific products or product groups on various pages of your website. By customizing product widgets, you can highlight your best-performing products and capture customers’ attention. Here are the key points to understand when creating custom product widgets in Magento 2:

1. Accessing Widget Configuration:

In the Magento 2 admin panel, navigate to the Content menu and select Widgets. This will take you to the Widget Configuration page where you can manage and create custom widgets.


2. Choosing Widget Type:

Magento 2 offers several widget types, such as “Catalog Product List,” “Catalog New Products List,” or “Catalog Bestsellers List.” Select the appropriate widget type that best suits your goal of showcasing top-selling products. For displaying best-sellers, the “Catalog Bestsellers List” widget is particularly relevant.


3. Configuring Widget Options:

Once you have chosen the widget type, you can configure various options to customize the display of your top-selling products. Some of the common configuration options include:

  • Widget Title: Provide a descriptive title for the widget that reflects the purpose or category of the displayed products.
  • Products Selection: Specify the criteria for selecting the top-selling products, such as sales volume, revenue generated, or popularity. You can also define the number of products to display.
  • Sort Order: Determine the order in which the products will be displayed. This can be based on attributes like position, name, price, or any other relevant factor.
  • Template and Layout: Choose the visual template and layout that best suits your website’s design and aesthetics. Magento 2 provides pre-defined templates, or you can create custom templates to align with your brand identity.


4. Widget Placement:

Widgets can be placed on various pages of your website to maximize their visibility and impact. Some common placement options include:

  • Homepage: Display the custom product widget prominently on the homepage to capture the attention of visitors right away.
  • Category Pages: Place the widget on relevant category pages to showcase top-selling products within specific product groups
  • Sidebar or Footer: Utilize the sidebar or footer sections of your website to feature the custom product widget consistently across different pages.
  • Product Detail Pages: Consider adding the widget on individual product pages to promote related or complementary top-selling products.


5. Widget Configuration Updates:

Regularly review and update the widget configuration based on sales data and customer behavior. Keep track of changes in your top-selling products and adjust the widget settings accordingly to ensure that the displayed products accurately reflect their performance.

By creating custom product widgets in Magento 2, you can strategically showcase your top-selling products and guide customers towards making purchasing decisions. Experiment with different widget configurations and placements to find the approach that works best for your website. Regularly update and optimize the widget based on changing trends and customer preferences to continually enhance your product display and drive sales.


Implementing Personalization Techniques:

Personalization has become increasingly important in e-commerce, as it allows businesses to tailor the shopping experience to individual customers, ultimately enhancing engagement and driving sales. In Magento 2, implementing personalization techniques can help you display top-selling products based on customer preferences, browsing behavior, and purchase history. Here are the key points to understand when implementing personalization techniques in Magento 2:

  1. Customer Segmentation: Magento 2 provides features for segmenting your customer base based on various attributes, such as location, purchase history, demographics, or browsing behavior. By segmenting your customers, you can create targeted experiences and display top-selling products that align with their specific interests and needs.
  2. Product Recommendations: Implementing product recommendation techniques allows you to suggest top-selling products to customers based on their browsing and purchase history. Magento 2 offers built-in recommendation strategies, such as upselling, cross-selling, related products, and recently viewed items. These techniques leverage customer data to display products that are highly relevant and likely to resonate with individual customers.
  3. Personalized Promotions: Customizing promotions based on customer behavior can be a powerful way to showcase top-selling products. With Magento 2, you can create personalized discounts, offers, or loyalty programs that specifically target customers who have shown interest in or previously purchased similar top-selling products. This personal touch can entice customers to engage with your store and increase the likelihood of conversions.
  4. Dynamic Content: Implementing dynamic content allows you to display different versions of your website or specific sections based on customer segments. With Magento 2, you can create dynamic content blocks that feature top-selling products for each customer segment. This enables you to tailor the product display to match the preferences and interests of different customer groups.


By implementing personalization techniques in Magento 2, you can create a tailored shopping experience for your customers and effectively display top-selling products based on their preferences. By leveraging customer segmentation, product recommendations, personalized promotions, dynamic content, behavioral triggers, and personalized email campaigns, you can enhance customer engagement, improve conversions, and ultimately drive sales. Regularly analyze customer data, track performance metrics, and iterate on your personalization strategies to continually refine and optimize the customer experience.



Effectively displaying top-selling products in Magento 2 is vital for maximizing sales and improving user experience. By utilizing the default Magento reports, leveraging extensions, implementing sorting and filtering options, creating custom widgets, and embracing personalization techniques, you can effectively showcase your best-performing products and drive customer engagement. Experiment with different methods and find the approach that works best for your business to enhance your online store’s performance and attract more customers.

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Sanju July 17, 2023 0 Comments

Top 10 Magento 2 Extensions To Boost An ECommerce Website

In terms of eCommerce platforms, Magento is known as one of the most robust and dependable ones. Businesses across a variety of industries rely on it as the preferred platform for building successful online stores. And Magento 2 is the most commonly used version. It provides the latest extensions and themes for an online store, all of which come with amazing features. The extensions and themes aid in the management and optimization of the website.


With the emergence of the digital era, eCommerce stores are facing increased competition. The digital world has reached an entirely different level with the use and purpose of digital media. It is imperative that, if you plan to enter the eCommerce world, you build a strong web presence and create strong website interest. This will enable you to compete with the top Magento 2 extensions.


Currently, Magento is among the most popular e-commerce platforms. Therefore, Magento 2 stores are increasing in number. Therefore, Magento2 is considered to be the most effective and useful marketing tool you can ever obtain for free. In addition to increasing traffic and improving SEO, a Magento 2 Blog helps create a community that customers want to be part of. The customers will return again and again.


Set up your online shop with the best Magento 2 extensions and add extra functionalities that will help you develop your e-commerce website. Customers will appreciate the ease with which they can shop and check out.


Even though e-commerce sites each have unique requirements and require specific extensions to accomplish them,

In order to enhance the performance of Magento 2 stores, store owners must use a few best extensions. These extensions will help you manage your online store more effectively. From tracking sales and invoices to improving checkout and displaying related products, these extensions can assist you in a variety of ways.


Criteria For Choosing The Best Magento Extensions

Magento Marketplace contains more than 3,000 plugins, and finding the ideal ones for your business may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. To make life easier, you should create a criteria list that outlines your needs.


Which factors should be taken into account when choosing Magento extensions?

  • Reliability: Adobe offers various levels of partner participation for its solutions, starting with community partners and ending with premium partners. In order to increase their ranking, Magento extension providers must pass examinations and demonstrate customer satisfaction. As a result, their plugins should be of high quality and should serve the needs of Magento owners.
  • Social proof: A variety of review platforms, including Trustpilot, provide information about Magento extensions. You can use these sources to judge the overall quality and the pros and cons of the products.
  • Functionality: Extensions should positively impact the performance of your website. We have compiled a list of plugins that provide a wide range of functionality that has been proven to be beneficial for eCommerce stores in driving sales.
  • Support: When an extension is integrated, it necessitates changes to the Magento backend, which may lead to errors. You may also want to customize the Magento extension and need support as a result of Magento’s open-source nature. As a result, the best extensions should include various forms of assistance (e.g. free installation, free updates, refund guarantee, free support for a certain period of time).

Top 10 Magento 2 Extensions to Boost  an Ecommerce Website

Make your e-commerce website more functional with Top Magento 2 extensions and use them to increase functionality. Customers will find it easier to shop and checkout with these extensions.

While every online store has unique requirements and needs specialized extensions in order to fulfill them,

There are a few best Magento 2 extensions that every store owner must use to enhance the functionality of their Magento 2 stores. From tracking your sales and invoices to making your checkout easier and from getting product reviews from customers to displaying related products, the following extensions will help you a good deal to better manage your online store.


1. WebP Images by FME Extensions

Convert your image files to the next-generation WebP image format and enable lazy loading with the Magento 2 WebP images extension. The extension allows users to reduce the size of images by nearly half when they convert them from .png, .gif, and .jpg to WebP format.

WebP is a new image format, developed by Google, which allows images to be compressed without sacrificing quality. Magento users may automate the conversion of images to WebP, set image quality levels, exclude specific folders, and enable lazy loading of images for their stores.

People who are seeking the most effective ways to optimize a website’s performance are likely to have heard of it. This is a modern file format developed by Google and supported by several browsers. Its popularity is due to its large file size. It is significantly smaller and consequently takes less time to load, which is particularly important for Magento 2 websites with a great deal of imagery.

The extension speeds up the loading process of your website. Considering the importance of performance for both User Experience (UX) and SEO rankings, stores should not overlook this optimization opportunity. Especially now when Google emphasizes performance as well as mobile experience for mobile/low bandwidth users.


2. One Step Checkout by Amasty

In order to transform your Magento 2 store’s checkout page into a real attention-grabbing one, One Step Checkout by Amasty is an extension that allows store owners to do so. It not only speeds up the page loading process but also improves the customer experience. It is essentially a tool that allows customers to make purchases easily and quickly, which can be used to turn buyers into loyal consumers. The tool can also be used to optimize and customize the checkout process.


3. Google Tag Manager by Magefan

Google Tag Manager is a service that allows you to manage and update tags, code snippets, and code for marketing optimization and increased traffic.

With Google Tag Manager, you can also use Facebook Pixel to track visitors, log the actions they take on your store, and generate reports that are sent to Google Analytics to identify your customers’ purchase and payment behavior, product performance, and sales performance.

Ads will be displayed to the correct audience, you will be able to build targeted audiences, and you will have access to additional Facebook advertising tools.


4. Magento 2 Live Chat By Webkul Store

Consumers expect real-time interaction with representatives from companies they are investing in, driving the growth of e-commerce.

Offering a consistent level of service that meets the needs of your customers is a great way to set your business apart and gain a competitive advantage. We can accomplish this through live chat support, in which consumers may inquire about any issue they may have.

Using the Magento 2 Chat Extension, you can easily integrate a chat interface into your website. Whenever customers encounter difficulty, they can communicate in real-time to resolve the issue and avoid abandoning their shopping cart.

The chat can even be customized to appear anywhere on your website as well as keep a record of all conversations so you can refer back to them later on.


5. SEO Ultimate Pack by FMEextensions

True to its name, this extension combines 8 SEO tools and provides the ultimate solution to automate all your Magento ON-page SEO tasks.  This is specifically for a multilingual website. It starts with basic SEO templates that help you configure the format once to keep replicating the meta title, descriptions, and keywords for each product. You can configure the creation of image alt tags, and add more details about business and products to the search snippet. The extension does include tools for creating hreflang tags, HTML, and XML sitemaps.

This all-in-one solution enables you to tackle various on-page SEO elements and ultimately increase your store’s visibility. The extension helps you improve the technical SEO and credibility of your store, which leads to higher traffic and conversions. By using these different tools, you can take care of every major to minor detail on any specific product or category, or selected CMS pages.

Getting higher rankings in search engines today is critical, as it will drastically improve your bottom line. You can take care of advanced SEO elements, such as cross-linking, rich snippets, duplicate content, and SEO redirects, using this extension.


6. Two-Factor Authentication By Xtento

Unauthorized login can be a very serious problem in an online store. Two-factor authentication by Xtento is therefore a suitable solution if the owners of eCommerce channels want to secure their channels and prevent unauthorized logins.

The use of Xtento two-factor authentication can therefore make Magento store backends more secure. When a user logs in to the backend, he is required to submit a one-time password (OTP).


7. Google One Tap Login By Meetanshi

Customers can log in using their Google account by using the Google One Tap Login extension. A reduction in the time required to register and the steps involved in logging in will result in a more substantial number of registered customers. Installing this extension on your Magento store will lead to a better user experience and a lower bounce rate.


8. Mobile App Builder By MageComp

Mobile users are increasing, making it increasingly difficult for online store owners to avoid entering the mobile commerce world. In fact, 69.4% of mobile phone users access shopping applications through their mobile devices. As a result, mobile-friendly websites are not sufficient. Using these apps can have many benefits for your business, including improved customer experience, increased conversions, decreased cart abandonment, brand awareness, and grabbing new customers.

MageComp’s Magento 2 Mobile App Builder makes it easy to build a business-ready mobile application for your Magento 2 store, available to both Android and iOS users. It allows you to quickly upload your application to both the Google Play Store and the App Store.


9. Pre-Order & Backorder By BSS Commerce

Customers usually order their favorite items prior to the release of the item. A preorder facility is a good way to increase sales by increasing your customer base. You offer your customers the opportunity to place an order before the listed item is available for shipment. Easily integrate this extension into your e-commerce platform and make your website stand out from the others by allowing pre-ordering options for your listed products. Customers may be able to place orders up to the maximum and minimum amount allowed by the merchant. Furthermore, with each product associated with the preorder, the customer may specify custom messages.


10. FAQ Extension By MagePlaza

A Magento extension is an essential component and is vital to the development of an online store. This is when the business owner engages a Magento development company to design and develop the website. Besides convenience and ease of service, customers are provided with a hassle-free shopping experience. Consequently, it is a valuable resource for generating higher sales and revenues and is also a useful tool for customers.


Wrapping Up

Magento is one of the most popular platforms in the world for e-commerce. With the help of flexible extensions, an online business can be offered a variety of tools. Featuring a variety of features, these extensions extend the functionality and capabilities of an e-commerce store. Searching for the most functional extensions can be a challenge. There are numerous extensions on this list that are cost-effective ways of enhancing your online business’s productivity.

We hope you find this list of Magento Extensions helpful in selecting from the extensive selection available in Magento’s marketplace. If you implement a Magento store, you can save both time and money in comparison with the development of custom solutions.

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Sanju June 6, 2022 0 Comments

Why You Really Need A Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification Extension

In 2015 the merchant Beta version of Magento 2 was launched, and in 2018, Adobe acquired Magento and announced they would stop upgrading and supporting Magento 1 as of June 30, 2020. As a result, many have been upgrading to Magento 2, but it has been quite a challenge since upgrading to Magento 2 means developing it from scratch. However, those using Magento 2 have also become privy to using a host of added features and extensions like Magento 2 Out of Stock Notification. These features have proved quite beneficial for the flourishing of the eCommerce sites using Magento 2.


This blog will look into the benefits of using Magento 2 and focus on its unique extension, Out of Stock Notification Magento 2.

Why Do Store Owners Need Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification Extension?

For any business, whether it’s a physical shop or an online store, stock management is essential. As an online retailer, you do not have the opportunity to convince your customer to come back if the product is not there. While there can be many reasons that a product is out-of-stock, the threat of adverse effects on business is still there.


Out-of-stock Notification for Magento 2 can help you in resolving this issue. Here are five reasons why an eCommerce retailer must use this extension when upgrading to Magento 2.


1.   UpTo Date Inventory 

Waiting for stocks to be refilled means a waste of time, money and reducing customers. The Out of stock extension provided by Magento 2 allows you to run a smooth business by replenishing the stock when it is low.


2.   Improve Business 

You can refill them immediately when you have a full inventory and are immediately notified if some products are low on stock. This will allow you to provide customers with prompt delivery, thus improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. It will also discourage them from visiting other stress, thus enabling you to build your business.


3.   Cost-Effective Solution 

You can save money and time with the extension because irrespective of whether you have a stock or not, you have to pay a fixed rent at a warehouse, labour, and equipment. With proper refilling of the stock, you can ensure a cost-effective business plan.


4.   Reduce Customer Churn 

Targeting new customers to increase the business is important but turning existing one-time visitors into loyal customers is vital to keep the business flourishing. Magento 2’s out-of-stock notification alerts the customer about when the product will be back in stock, and the purchasing department gets Magento 2 low stock notification with the extension. Thus, ensuring the customers get better service while reducing the churn.


5.   Get An Edge 

With the Magento 2 Out of Stock Notification extension, you can notify your customers about the availability of the product. It will reduce the chances of the customers going to your competitors to get the service. The extension automatically will send an email to the customer when the stock is available.


Some of the Benefits of using the Magento 2 Multiple Wishlist Extension:

Even when a product is out of stock, you can still engage your customer with Magento 2 Multiple Wishlist Extension. The extension offers quite a few benefits to your business. Some of them are:

  • Allow your customers to plan future purchases in advance, and they can create unlimited wishlists which can be customized too.
  • Products can be moved from one wish list to the other and quickly conduct their shopping.
  • Repeat purchase option is available for easy shopping
  • Organize the wishlist with preferred products being saved
  • Your customers can share the wishlist with others and get a review of the products purchased before them.
  • As an admin, you get to know which products are in demand and completely control the wishlists.
  • The feature ensures reduced shopping cart abandonment
  • Increase customer conversion rate
  • Boost overall sales.


Key Features Of The Out Of Stock For Magento 2

Apart from Magento 2 Notify when in stock, the extension offers fantastic features to the retailer and the customer.

  • As a retailer, you have complete control of tracking and filtering subscriber’s information on understanding which products are in demand.
  • You can easily configure your customer’s subscription routing, thus allowing them to manage the products and the numbers they have subscribed to, and receive an email automatically when it is in stock.
  • Customers can click on the Notify Me button on any page without switching between Home Page, Product Page, and Category Page.
  • The extension can be used to receive notifications by customers who are logged in, not logged in, wholesalers, general viewers, and retailers.
  • The feature ensures that when visitors look for a product and are not there, they just have to leave their email id to get the notification.


Top 3 Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification Extensions

There are several Magento 2 Out Of Stock Notification providers available in the market. Here are top 3 service providers.

1) MageAnts

MageAnts have been in the business for over seven years who specialize in providing 85+ Magento 2 extensions. In addition, they are well-known for creating responsive Magento Design integration, extension and theme customization, and security patch installation.

Out of Stock Notification Extension Features Offered

  1. Notification alerts can be set for bundle products with the message displayed on the subscription box
  2. You can disable or enable the notification for certain customers
  3. Keep your customers up to date about your products with automatic stock email alerts
  4. Get daily reports about the product demands as store admin.


     2) MageArray

They provide support to all versions and platforms of Magento, with a primary focus on Magento 2 extension development which warrants improved user and admin experience. Also, customization of websites with different Magento 2 themes to stand out in the crowd.

Out of Stock Notification Extension Features Offered

  1. Admin can filter customers based on product choice to offer a better shopping experience
  2. Admin has the option to remove a customer from the subscription and/or notification list
  3. Enable product stock notification to customers on customized email template
  4. Allow customers to add products on wish lists that are out of stock.


   3) Magetrend

Working on this platform for quite a while now and have been gathering knowledge on website development since 2012. They are skilled and specialize in Magento and Magento 2 extensions.


Out of Stock Notification Extension Features Offered

  1. Enable a full form or pop-up window to offer an out-of-stock notification form.
  2. Customers can select product specifications when subscribing to an out-of-stock notification.
  3. Notification can be sent to the customers automatically or manually by the admin
  4. Customers can manage their subscription with an auto-fill feature when logged in


Final Words

Magento 2 Out of Stock Notification enables the retailer to provide better service to the customer and, in the long run, engage and improve customer loyalty. This eventually translates into better business and boosting the ROI of the company.

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Sanju September 24, 2021 0 Comments

Magento Important Features to Consider for Your Ecommerce Website in 2021

Magento is a powerful platform that helps eCommerce businesses throughout all industries to innovate and develop their organizations. Magento gives solutions in numerous classes starting from advertising, customer support, accounting, finance to transport, and success. Having the right transport strategies and vendors is one of the maximum critical things which could make your commercial enterprise run smoother. Some features on Magento are free of price and some are evolved via 3rd parties, or developed by a Magento Development Company as paid plugins, many of them are available on the Magento marketplace.

Navigating around the Magento marketplace is fairly smooth in case you understand what your e-commerce requirements are. Magento gives an extensive variety of shipping functions, imparting special functionalities, various in charge, version, and version. We’ve got created the listing of the top three must-to-have features of every e-commerce that ships bodily merchandise.

 – Smart Packing Feature

Packaging is one of the most modern shipping tendencies turning into more and more famous in 2021. Smart packaging picks the most fulfilling packaging for every order primarily based on product dimensions. The algorithm mechanically and optimally pre-packs an order getting actual-time transport prices from the essential carriers like (ups, USPS, FedEx), using the scale of the chosen applications. The main objective of the smart packaging function is to help boom the accuracy of delivery charges displayed at the checkout and therefore make shipping cost-effective, for retailers, end-users, and clients.

Perks of Smart Packaging

1. Decrease Delivery Cost

Smart packaging reduces delivery charges. Small products shipped in a larger field than vital, cost greater due to the fact the parameters of the field are large and the package deal takes up an excessive amount of space within the vehicle. Thus, the provider can’t tackle more products within the equal vehicle and divide the expenses extra successfully. It makes sense that the providers are forced to charge greater for the larger packages.

2. Eco Friendly

The use of effective packaging reduces the waste coming from all of the packaging substances. Likewise, smart packaging will help you store money on transportation via averting transport of inefficiently packaged orders. Smart packaging makes delivery eco-friendly, cost-effective, and reduces the harmful effect on the environment.

3. Real-Time Shipping Charges

The accuracy of the transport costs will increase with all the additional statistics and details of the package. The greater the correct delivery quotes we can offer the carrier with the more cost-effective the shipping. By doing so, we keep away from shipping empty air inside the useless outsized bundle.

Transport a package based only on weight parameters itself may be very inefficient and luxurious. In this situation, the accuracy of shipping rates may be very low. Delivery price accuracy will increase with the calculated dimensional weight. However, that is nevertheless no longer 100 percent accurate. The best accuracy of shipping rates is only completed in case you provide the service with the real package dimensions (length x width x top) and its weight. Simplest this way, you can reap the highest accuracy of your delivery charges.

– Landing Cost

Landed cost is the sum of all prices it takes the store to ship cargo from the producer to its very last destination, to the quit purchaser. The landed fee is typically associated with international shipping, also due to all of the prices which might be related to getting a package across the borders. Landed cost encompasses shipment charges, coverage costs, taxes, and customs duties. Accounting for every value without delay influences your earnings margins. If you miscalculate how awful it’s going to be for you to deliver products internationally, you can lose plenty of cash.

Benefits of Landed Cost Feature  

1. End-User Experience

No end-user desires to be surprised with sudden more fees upon receiving an order from abroad. Failure to display landed charges at the checkout can result in a bad consumer experience and poor feedback while the order is fulfilled. As a retailer, you need to ensure to display all of the essential details about the product. Take gain of the delivery solution on Magento and display or conceal applicable taxes and duties at checkout to your customers.

2. Cost Per Product

Landed price shows income made in line with each shipped object. Knowing how an awful lot fee is needed for manufacturing, packaging, and shipping of a single item gives the retailer a correct idea of a way to set up margins for every product. Moreover, it additionally accounts for wherein savings may be made to optimize the complete shipping process.

3. Custom Attributes Support

With a few transport software that helps the landed fee function like Calcurates, you can assign custom product attributes like tariff codes, product origin, and product descriptions for greater flexibility while shipping abroad.

– Rate Shopping Comparison

Rate shopping is a comparison of shipping costs between delivery vendors or their services. Rate shopping can as an instance deal most effectively with the comparison of provider services like FedEx ground versus UPS ground. Evaluating fees from a kind vendor can prevent masses of money on transport. But charge purchasing may be very time-ingesting, for that reason, it is recommended to apply a delivery calculator that obtains real-time rates from the main companies mechanically for you.

Benefits of Rate Shopping Feature

1. Reduction of Abandonment Fee

Better transport prices discourage customers from finalizing their online orders which regularly results in excessive cart abandonment. A better abandonment fee without delay correlates with decrease income and higher bounce rates. That is something that any store ought to keep away from. The rate shopping feature lets the store display the handiest the most cost-effective and reasonable shipping rates. Ensuing in a completely consumer-friendly checkout experience and reduced abandonment rate.

2. High Conversion Rate

As noted inside the section above, those two metric correlates with each other appreciably. If the abandonment fee is reduced via supplying a greater convenient transport alternative, the conversion charge will increase. That is natural as more people will continue with their online orders if they don’t must pay excessive delivery prices.

3. Remove Unwanted Shipping Options

The remaining benefit of rate shopping is that the feature supports various product portfolios. This is tremendous for stores who’ve products of different sizes and weights, shipped throughout the whole international. Rate purchasing enables retailers to put off those delivery alternatives that are pointless and display the most effective ones suitable like home shipping quotes, international delivery prices, or positive delivery offerings best. Fee shopping saves plenty of time by obtaining actual-time prices from carriers mechanically.

– Smart One Step Checkout

Your eCommerce website design must be end-users friendly. You must optimize your online store so that a client clicks the “add to cart” button in your product. Don’t lose the sale by including greater steps to finishing the acquisition when they’ve decided to buy. Customers now assume an unmarried page checkout system that they’re familiar with from shopping on other online stores. Supply it to them with smart one-step checkout. Smart one step checkout offers all the functionality you need in an unmarried extension, inclusive of:

  • Cellphone responsive design
  • Consumer login for one-step purchase or visitor checkout
  • Edit items inside the cart
  • Practice cut price codes and gift playing cards
  • Checkout conduct and abandonment reporting

– Recurring Payments and Subscription

Subscription models have emerged as a popular way for e-commerce companies to sell their products. Preserving customers buying from you month after month can be fantastically worthwhile. But, subscription purchases require a one-of-a-kind checkout and charge infrastructure. Aheadwork’s extension provides the subscription and recurring price functionality you need. It may grow to be your number one checkout for natural subscription agencies. Or you may create trial subscriptions or computerized product re-orders alternatives. The ordinary bills integrate with your service provider offerings issuer. This makes everyday billing smooth for you and your consumer. Plus, it facilitates lessen payment disasters due to credit score card expirations or cancellations.

– A/B Testing

You must continually be running experiments to discover the principal and minor updates to your Magento that can maximize your ecommerce sales. Amasty also presents a beneficial a/b testing extension that gives you the whole thing you want. You can run a/b break-up test and multivariate checks for specific merchandise or product companies at once from your Magento admin panel. You could customize one or multiple tests at a time primarily based on one-of-a-kind intention metrics, products, and “winner” standards. What makes this checking-out extension even nicer for you is that you aren’t required to expand replica product pages with each test variation. No more development time and placement bloat facilitate you focus on enhancing your client revel in, now not coordinating the assessments.

Final Words

There are very few delivery extensions and answers to be had for Magento store owners that offer critical and trending features like clever packaging, landed price, and rate buying. Different crucial functions can help you with the whole shipping system. Extra functions which include shipping policies and regulations, dimensional weight, in-shop pickup, transport zones, table costs, and extra are similarly very beneficial and simplify the entire transport manner a lot. But, inside the case of extensions, the store needs to recognize that having an all-in-one shipping solution offering these features collectively is extra cost-effective and top-quality than buying the entire features one after the other. Features bought one at a time can are compatible troubles, and are subject to regular Magento updates. Calcurates last shipping answer gives all the above-mentioned functions within a strong interface and seamlessly integrates with Magento.

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Sanju August 30, 2021 0 Comments

What Makes a Magento Website Slow

Magento Solution springs to mind when one thinks of eCommerce platforms. The Magento Solution is the world’s most popular open-source platform. They provide merchants tools that enable them to manage how the design, appearance, content of a website is handled. Moreover, it has an admin panel that lets the admin maintain the website without any technical or development knowledge.

One of Magento’s most disturbing downsides is the front-end loading speed. After all, nothing is perfect. The fact is, Magento by default is not slow and can be optimized for optimal performance. Let’s take a look at a few ways to improve Magento’s website loading speed.

Reasons for low Magento speed

Slow hardware:

Magento pages can take a long time to load for a number of reasons, the most significant is not meeting Magento’s Technical requirements.

Third-party extensions:

It’s core functionality and is developed by the Magento team. Third-party extensions are made by programmers with average skills. The performance of Magento can be adversely affected by a poorly written extension.

Try turning off all extensions one by one and see if it affects loading speed or not. You can try the default Magento version and see if it is faster. Then you better know that extensions are slowing you down. Magento Development Services can assist you if you are having difficulties with your Magento eCommerce store.

Disabled full page cache:

A Cache is used for storing copies of a website’s pages so that when the user accesses the website they can easily find their earlier stored copies. Rather than creating the pages again and going through the whole process.

You can boost your website’s performance by using caching tools. If you use the best ones and implement them correctly, you’ll show an increase in the website’s loading speed.

Look at a few ways you can improve the loading speed of your website by improving the Magento 2 Admin page.

Minifying and merging JavaScript and CSS files

Magento’s slow loading website can be attributed to unmerged and unminified Javascript and CSS files. Minifying contains removing any extra characters from the code, such as, whitespace, line breaks, comments, etc., and compressing it down to its bare minimum. Minification reduces the volume of code you have to transfer, which improves the speed of your website.

Java and CSS merge means unifying multiple CSS and javascript files into one. This reduces the volume of latency and prevents loading separate files.

Go to the admin page and go to store, settings, then configuration, then “Developer”. In the advanced options, click the “Developer” option. Select the following tabs: Template settings, JavaScript settings, and CSS settings. To merge and minify the javascript and CSS, select Yes and then Save configuration when you are finished.

Enabling a Flat Catalog

Magento stores catalog data in multiple tables using the Entity-Attribute-Value model. However, since attributes are stored in multiple tables, SQL queries can be very long. This adversely affects Magenta’s performance.

You can increase the speed of the collection process by storing data in one flat catalog instead of many tables.

To enable the Flat Catalog, you must go to the store, and then set up the settings and configure them in the admin panel. When you select the flat catalog option under the catalog tab, say YES to flush the cache and reindex the data once done.

Using Varnish Cache

It reduces response times and network bandwidth consumption for equal requests in the future by saving files or file fragments in memory. Varnish is an open-source accelerator for web applications.

Magento 2 is fully compatible with Varnish. In addition, Magento strongly recommends using Varnish in Magento Developer Documents, as it offers wider performance than the integrated full page cache does and is specifically designed to speed up HTTP traffic.

To enable Varnish Cache, navigate to Stores, then Settings, then Configuration, then Advanced, and then System.

Configuring product attribute sets

Standard Magento 2 features include a variety of product attributes. When you create a product, a webmaster simply fills in the attributes associated with the newly created product. All other attributes remain blank.

When a customer downloads a product page, the server analyzes the whole feature list, matches the populated parts, and shows it to the customer. This affects the loading speed of the product page/search page/catalog page.

You can improve the loading of product pages by creating custom feature sets for each type of product in your store. Deploying may take a while, but you will work better and have fewer irritated customers. You can configure product attributes under Stores and then attribute after Products.

Disabling unused stores and store views

Stores and views can take up a lot of space on the server, resulting in poor loading performance. Click on the store’s version in the upper right-hand corner to remove the unnecessary Store View, and then go to Store, then Settings, and then All Stores.

Checking error logs

Checking your error logs from time to time will help to detect any existing errors. You need to sign in to the Magento site so the system can begin taking notes.

This is done by accessing Stores and Configuration, then Advanced by selecting Developer and Debug and enabling the log section for file.

By combining these simple steps, you can significantly improve the overall performance of Magento 2.

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Sanju April 5, 2021 0 Comments