ECommerce Design mistakes that are killing your sales

We all are optimising the Search Engine, Keywords, digital marketing efforts, but is the ECommerce Design Optimised. The ECommerce design mistakes could be killing the sales.
Not recognising an existing client
People love relationships as much as the brands do. A failure to acknowledge an existing customers loyalty and recognising his previous visits could make the experience pretty curt and dry. Successful ecommerce websites remember and showcase to loyal customers that they value the relationship. This could be done through personalised greetings, list of past orders, offering quick links to repeat and frequent purchases, auto-filling the delivery locations, giving faster delivery cycles and sticking to preferred times of order receipts or offering exclusive deals.
Not offering a clear value proposition
Visitors like to know clear value propositions up-front. Be it the seasons sales, new products, your distinguished advantage over others in terms of depth and width of the product line, commercial terms, product trials or product options, a clear and crisp value proposition positioned upfront in the ECommerce website or portal can do wonders to your sales. In the absence of a physical proximity advantage and differentiation the differentiated online value proposition plays a big role. It is thus imperative to go deeper and bring out the long term core value differentiator and also the short to medium term differentiated campaigns
Inadequate Product descriptions
The product descriptions come into play at a very advanced stage of the buying process and are central to the decision making. High resolution quality pictures from multiple angles describing the product seem to impact the sale positively. Pictures and Videos of people using the product help boost the adding of products to the shopping cart. Big images of the product help reduce the bounce off rates.
Visual feedback on intention to buy.
The addition of products and services to the shopping cart is a big affirmation from the side of the customer and often the Ecommerce websites fail to acknowledge this crucial cross over in the mindset and behaviour of the customer. Changing the look and feel of the website, making the cart area cleaner, explicit and crisp information of the taxes, shipping and handling charges adds to credibility and builds customers trust. A secure website evokes
confidence of the customer to transact the commercials. There is a clear positive correlation between the elements mentioned and the lowering of abandonment rates.
Cumbersome process and information designs
One of the prominent aspects that could be hindering your sales could be the practice of pushing visitors to the website, to create accounts before they can place orders. A lack of company information and contact information is another design mistake that leads to abandonment and lower sales thereof. The key consumer personas and a market segmentation accordingly helps tremendously. This creates a mesh of product or service line
Differentiation superimposed over the consumer personas and preferences.
In Conclusion
Converting Ecommerce presence into sales hinges on two very important aspects which are the customer experience and the clear and crisp articulation of the functional or emotional unique value proposition. Stemming from these two are the aspects of product descriptions, visual feedback, association with human computer interface and speed of response. Luckili modern day technology offers all of this and more, but as a business leader and driver you need to be aware of these pitfalls and convinced of the ways in which you can improve your bottom line!